Apistogramma agassizi

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 24, 2006
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Apistogramma agassizi

Origin: Amazon Basin

Ecosystem: Inhabits slow moving rivers, small streams and backwaters amongst leaf litter and plant roots

Temperment: Generally peaceful, but can be somewhat aggressive toward conspecifics

Diet: Omnivore, will take flake and live or frozen foods

Temp: 76-78 F

Size: Males to 3'', Females 2''

Sexing: Dimorphic, males being larger, colorful and developing a lanceolate caudal fin. Females are tan to brownish yellow turning bright yellow with dark markings during broodcare.

Breeding: Agassizi like most Apistogramma do best with multiple females to each male. Water conditions vary from morph to morph, but generally do well in tap water. Just be sure to provide caves in the form of coconut shells or small clay flowerpots. After spawning the egg will hatch in 2-3 days and the fry will become free swimming around 7 days after hatching, then they can be feed on a diet of baby brine shrimp, microworm and crushed flake. It is vitally important to allow the female to care for the fry for at least 3 weeks after free swimming as they get signals from the female telling them when to feed, where the food is and when to hide. If the fry are removed early they tend to waste away.

A. agassizi is the most wide spread species of the genus Apistogramma, being found from Peru to Brazil, with each geographic location having it's own color morph. They can also be found in many different captive bred color morphs. They make a great choice for the community aquarium being excellent tankmates for Tetras, Corys, Loaches and so on as long as they don't have to compete with tankmates for caves and spawning sites.
AA are also a great species to observe "sneaker males" in. In the Presence of dominant males some other males will not develop the elaborate colors or finnage and try their best to look like a drab female. In the presence of a harem, while the big boy is defending the territory and perhaps courting another female - the "sneaker" will say "hey baby" to one of the others and spawn with her. Great stuff. Needs a bigger tank for this to work well.
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