apple x mystery snail

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 21, 2009
About a month ago I purchased a black mystery snail that appears to be
a dark purple with purple and white bands. I was wondering would it breed
with an golden apple snail and what may the colour be.
apple snail=mystery snail= almost always brigs

if you have both male and female there they might. lower the water line down a inch or so.
Thanks so much for your reply, I am going to give it a try.Hopefully if it works they will produce some nice babies.
I have had the Gold ones breed with the Black ones the babies when all hatched some were gold and the others black.

As mgamer20o0 meantioned lower your water level as they lay the egg cluster above the waterline also i might add they need it to be humid also the more so the sooner they hatch.
Thanks for answering the colouring question, I am breeding apple snails
already and have had success, but i didnt know that you could breed
them to a mystery,I know that humidity thing took me a longtime to
get it right:rolleyes:
There are actually several different species of apple snails, they won't interbreed. The different colored ones are usually brigs, so you should be fine. Some of the golden ones may be canas ... & that won't work with brigs.

Go to for species ID.
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