aquaclear filter... replace or clean the filters? please help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 4, 2012
i have a AC 70 that i purchased in January for a 29 gallon fresh water setup... the instructions states to change carbon every month, foam every 2 months and bio max every 3 months but to never change all at once... I have a few questions.. if i change the carbon and the foam, every 2 months i would have to change both at the same time, should i wait like a week between changing each one? i dont want to remove the bacteria if i replace both medias at the same time... also, I have heard that i do not need to replace the foam or the bio max, that i just should clean them off.... if i clean the off, how often should i replace with a new one? if i dont go by instructions, then when would i know to replace each one? what is the proper way to clean the foam? i know to put tank water in a bucket, do i just put foam in the bucket and squeeze it out to clean it? this wont remove all the bacteria and now put that bacteria in the dirty bucket water which goes down the drain anyways? i guess im confused..
Last but not least, i also hear that the carbon is a waste, not needed unless im removing medication. is this true? if so, what should i do with the carbon? is there something more benificial to my system that i can put in its place? thank you for the help. .Pete
I have an aquaclear too. I've never replaced the biomax or the foam. Occasionally I swish them in old tank water when doing a water change.
zarmalar said:
I have an aquaclear too. I've never replaced the biomax or the foam. Occasionally I swish them in old tank water when doing a water change.

+1 I have an aquatech and its the same thing almost. I change the carbon every once in a while but ill just stick the old one in there loosely for it to seed the new one, then remove it a few days later. And I don't change any bio media, just clean them in tank water.
You never have to replace the bio rings, or sponge. Just clean the sponge out once in a while by squeezing it and swishing it around in tank water. No need to use carbon unless you are removing meds, or something else you put in your tank.
I removed the carbon from my AquaClear 50 and inserted some polyfil in its place. I kept the carbon just in case I ever need it to remove medicine.
I have an AC110 & AC70. On both I removed the carbon and run sponge on bottom, filter floss and bio rings on top. Rinse all during PWC and replace the floss every 3 weeks or so.
I'll save the carbon for when I need to remove meds.
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