Aquarium Decoration as a Gift.....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
For Chanukah, my cousin gave me one of the Sponge Bob aquarium decorations. I lied and told him I loved it. It's the first time he's gotten me a present on his own, and I didn't want to devastate him. So, what I am thinking is to just put the decoration in my tank when I know he is going to be over, and take it out when he leaves. They live 2 hours away, so they are not over that often. Am I being a total meanie??? Am I totally wrong for doing this?
When someone buys me something for my tank, whether a fish or decoration or a general rule, I will find some reason why it can't go in the tank. The plastic leaches PO4, or it is not a natural occuring fish in my biotope, etc, etc...I try to think of a reason that will not make them feel bad but keep me from being obligated from having the hideous monstrosity in my tank. My wife takes the person aside later and explains the concept of gift certificates too them ;)

Personally I would try to avoid the subterfuge if possible. Give it a week, call him and tell him that while cleaning the tank...the cat got hold of it and shredded it.
Oh man, a gift certificate would have been great, lol.

Yeah, I can also tell him I had it in my tank for a while...then added more plants and there was no room, or something like that.
Hi Lori,
I've seen these decorations, and while they are somewhat cute, I wouldn't put one in my tank! (my tank is only 5.5 gallons anyway).

A relative once gave me a bird feeder, because she knows I like to feed birds outside (not a pet bird). It was something from a discount catalog or something like that. It wasn't really something the birds would actually use. The perches were way too small, and the seed cake wasn't the right kind of seed -- the birds wouldn't eat it, and the squirrels and other undesirables would probably be attracted to it.

But I was happy that she wanted to help with the birds, so what I did was hang it outside. A few of the smaller finches sat on it and I took a picture and sent it to her. I then took the feeder down and threw the seed cake into the woods, away from the house, for the squirrels. I did feel a bit guilty, but I knew that the birds would not eat this seed and I didn't want more squirrels than usual, or worse, raccoons, to come and sniff it out.

So, just put the thing in the tank for a few minutes, take a picture, and then take it out. Send the pic to your cousin, and if he comes over, say that the fish kept uprooting it or something. Or say the cat got it! Cats are always good to blame! LOL!

I did feel kind of guilty for not using my cousin's gift, but it wouldn't have worked out, and the same thing is true of your gift, so don't feel bad.
My family had a similar problem with my dad. He has a house in central Oregon and loves to go hiking and take pics of the awesome scenery. He has these photos blown up (off 35mm film so they're not that great blown up) and puts them in oak frames (h8 oak... so cheapy looking, IMO) ALL over his house. He has very little wall space left and they're in every single room. He started giving these to me, my bother, his brothers, everybody in the family. It was OK to get one, but honestly wall hangings are very personal. You want to pick out something you love that goes with your style and the room. He started giving these pics over and over. He gave other stuff too, so it's not like it was to save money or something, but he assumed that everybody wanted these. I never hung any of them. I almost threw them away, but I thought that one day when my dad dies I'll probably miss those photos. Anyway, I came up with the idea of photo albums instead of large prints. He could give us albums and put lots of pics in them to look through. I think his GF heard us laughing about this, and told him... we felt really, really bad. But he did get the hint, and I do prefer to look through the photo albums.

It really does suck having to do that type of thing. It's a bad feeling. But it's better to get the word out before it goes too far. That's real, real sweet of your cousin but I would let him know that keeping aquariums is both a science, and a personal preference. Some of us like tank decorations, some like the all natural look. Just let him know and mention the gift certificate thing, but thank him for the thought and tell him you love him :)
How old is your cousin Lori? If he's a kid, I wouldn't hurt his feelings. If he's old enough to understand, then you're doing him a favor by being honest.
He is old enough to understand....18...not the most mature of 18-year olds, but he has never bought me a gift before, and that is the part that has me iffy about "rejecting" his gift.
I say dont tell him anything other than thanks. Next time he comes down (probably be a while) if he asks where spongebob is just comment that it got really gungy or something or the other.

Afterall its the thought that counts right?
Why not just sit it on top of your tank? Tell your cousin it's too cute to get all slimey from algae in the tank. No harm, no foul.

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