Aquarium Feshwater books

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2004
I am looking for a good book for aquariums, please reccommend somthing or give me another thread. TIA!! :D
There are so many excellent aquarium books on the market that you couldn't read them all. Try and search under aquariums. I'm sure something will catch your interest.
We have done such a search for you and you can find a list of great book in the book library in the links above just below the sponsors banner. The books in the freshwater library are books that have been suggested and recommended by advisors and fellow FW aquarists as being good resouces.
thanks! most of the books i had been looking into were in there which is great! again thanks! :D
well i bought a book called the complete aquarium by:peter w scott.It is an excellent bok for bitopes as some people say on this site.
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