Aquarium fun .. My 26 g

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 26, 2015
Hi guys ! I have a 26g Bowfront with a fluval c3 filter and a fluval fully submersible Nano filter (for 10-15g) an airstone and lots of live plants.
Fish are
1 female silver molly
12 pristella tetras
10amano shrimp
1 orange male platy
3 black male platys with orange faces

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Nice tank! What's that floating plant? Love the contrast of the green on white!
Nice tank! What's that floating plant? Love the contrast of the green on white!

Thank you. I'm not sure what kind of plant the floating one is actually. I got it at my local pet store. I have some in my beta tank planted and its growing very quickly and the tips are a brighter red color.
I gave away 2 of my black male platys they were getting bullied too much and were always hiding. I think because I had 5 males no females.
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