Aquarium grass

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 3, 2012
Stoke on Trent

I'm starting to add more and more live plants I have 2 amazon swords so far and 2 java fern I was wondering what requirements aquarium grass has how u get it to spread and all that stuff and do you have to trim it and would it be okay in gravel and would my ottos and shrimp be happy with it

All opinions welcome
Thank you in advance
What size tank do you have? What type lighting and bulbs are you using? Is your gravel large grained? Need more info before an good answer can be given.
that setup right now, IMO isn't sufficient to grow or even sustain carpeting plant such as dwarf hairgrass. beside the lack of nutrient in the substrate and improper light, you would also need CO2 in order for the "grass" to carpet

ps. since you just started, i'm assuming you are not dosing carbon liquid and other plant supplements
Your in the low light category which means traditional carpeting grass such as dwarf hair grass is out of the question. You "might" be able to do Dwarf Sag for a grassy look.

You need to add root tabs to your substrate around the Swords as they are heavy root feeders and using a fertilizer like Seachem Flourish Comprehensive weekly after WC's will help also. You can also use a liquid carbon daily once you add more plants but with what you have right now it's not really necessary.

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