Aquarium power outage survival kit, what would you put in yours?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 16, 2011
After losing power for a week and fretting over my fish the entire time i've decided to put together a power outage preparedness kit.
So far i have heating packets (those snap it and it heats things) and a hot water bottle to add exterior warmth when needed (this helped keep my fishies more comfortable during all this).

I'm considering keeping maybe bottled water from their water source so i don't have to worry about any additional chemicals in purchased water.

I'll also be ordering battery powered water pumps to keep their filtration active.

I'm just curious of other people have these kits and whats in theirs, so if you do have one or plan to get one, please share!
One thing will solve your problen...a generator plus it will give you power for other things too
I could swear that I read that someone uses a battery back up power supply for computers and plugs just the essentails into it heater and filter/air pump.
TT71 said:
I could swear that I read that someone uses a battery back up power supply for computers and plugs just the essentails into it heater and filter/air pump.

I've posted serval times that I use an APC battery back up surge protector. It will run things like the heater and pump for about 80 minutes. Also they have battery operated air pumps (I own 2) so if the power is gonna be out a long time I use the APC for the heater and the battery air pumps to circulate water and agitate the surface. When power is restored the batteries in the APC are re charged :)
Convict would you mind sharing the technical detail on yours. This is something I would like to look into.
TT71 said:
Convict would you mind sharing the technical detail on yours. This is something I would like to look into.

I will exact specs and get back to you. I don't remember the model and there are a few that will only stuff for like 10 minutes.
I'm interested in Convict's thingy too.
Generators are nice, but they are expensive to keep going if you are without power for long periods (we were out for about a week this time)
A UPS is designed to give you enough time to get your computer safely shut down in the event of an outage. It will only last you an hour or two running a tank's life support (heater & filter).
A power inverter (the kind you plug into your cigarette lighter) hooked to a car battery will run your heater & filter for DAYS, not hours. Just cut off the lighter plug and put some large alligator clamps on it so it can be hooked to the battery. If you have access to a deep-cycle marine battery, it can run a Fluval 404 & 150W heater for two weeks!! If it'll run a fishing boat trolling motor for hours, you're hardly putting a load on it running a tank.

There are better ones then this. Mine will run for about 2 hours. You can use a battery like the other poster stated, that's also a great way IF your home to hook it up. The battery back up is if all else fails and I'm not home. I do have one HUGE advantage though. I live next to my job, so the firehouse is right next door and being the chief... Well ya know... ;)
A UPS is designed to give you enough time to get your computer safely shut down in the event of an outage. It will only last you an hour or two running a tank's life support (heater & filter).
A power inverter (the kind you plug into your cigarette lighter) hooked to a car battery will run your heater & filter for DAYS, not hours. Just cut off the lighter plug and put some large alligator clamps on it so it can be hooked to the battery. If you have access to a deep-cycle marine battery, it can run a Fluval 404 & 150W heater for two weeks!! If it'll run a fishing boat trolling motor for hours, you're hardly putting a load on it running a tank.

That's what I'm talking about LOL! My husband would freak if he saw me hooking a car battery up to the fish tank...but! I must know how to do this anyway! Our power went out repeatedly throughout Tuesday night this week, and I was panicking all night long because I have NO back-up plan for power outages!
Could you do a "mock-hook-up" of this setup and take some photos? Of course when you have the time! I am a pictures kinda gal and will be safer following your instructions with pics LOL!
Thanks!!!! :)
I got a generator for that problem a few years ago and I haven't had the power go out for more then 2 hours since. No mater where I moved. Its a good thing to have just incase though.

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