Aquarium salt in a planted tank?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 8, 2006
Brandon, FL
Anybody know the limits of salinity plants can take? I have cabomba, java fern, and crypt wendtii... Just wondering, cause I always used a little salt with my Bettas in the past. I know some fish treatments for illness include epsom salts. Can you still do that in a planted tank?
This really varies by plant. Some can take upto full brackish water with no ill affects, while others may have problems with even a small amount for preventative measures. PlantGeek does have a list of plants that can tolerate brakish water, beyond that I think it's mostly trial and error.

If at all possible it would be best to remove the fish to a hospital tank/bucket for treatment. That way you don't have to risk your plants and can keep a closer eye on the affected fish.
FWIW Epsom Salt is one of the Dry Ferts you can buy from to ad Mg to the tank... I don't think that one would hurt anything, in the correct quantities...
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