Aquascaping Software?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 3, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I know it may sound silly, but I was wondering if there is some software around to help with laying out planted tanks. Something similar to the ones made for landscaping, where you place your plants, watch simulated growth over time, etc.

All I found about aquascaping are rules, such as taller plants toward back, and vise versa .... but it would really be helpful to visualize the layout prior to planting, rather than moving them around afterwards...

Any suggestions ...?
I am unaware of a software program that would do this, but I'd say the best alternative would be to go to the bookstore, or some better LFS that carries books, and look at some books with pictures, like some of Takashi Amano's books. These list the plants in the pictures and you can get an idea how they look when mature and filled in.

Also, there is nothing wrong with just experimenting, and then moving a plant later if it seems to be in the wrong spot. After a while you get a good idea of what kind of plant you need for a certain spot in your tank.
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