Aquatic magic on ebay

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Loach, I have bought a lot of dry goods from them, and a few plants. None of the plants did so well... I think because the shipping just takes so long overseas. They are reputable though, and I have had issues with orders a couple times, and they remedied them right away.

I have seen others who have also been happy with the dry goods stuff, but not so much with the plants. What plants are you looking for? Most of the stuff they sell can be sourced locally, and you might get it for next to nothing if you just post a WTB ad in the classifieds forum here at AA.
They had a aniubias nana for like $4 free shipping. I'm looking for Maybe some crypts, Maybe some sag... And a good background plant. Have a look at my thread on my planted tank I think your subscribed to it fort. I need something for the middle background. I don't know feel like it need something else or maybe rearrange stuff I did add a red sword and other plant that I have to update but your insight would be appreciated bro.
Can you link me to thread?

Anubias might make it ok... it is very hardy, would ship well. I would not get crypts from them... they would probably be a melted blob by the time you open them. The shipping takes up to 2 weeks.

Really, everything you are looking for is pretty common. You would have some folks willing to ship you out trimmings if you post a WTB ad, just an option.
I bought a couple of kinds of Java Fern from them. Got them in last month and they came in pretty good shape and have done well in my tank, so far.
My crusty anubias which I've had for almost a year and have done horrible experiments on (emersed growth, knicking, plant tissue culture) are doing great and came from aquatic magic. Just note a few things about them:

1.) You will get a package (or envelope as in my case) labeled "home furnishings." Why? AM doesn't pay for the customs permit/doesn't declare their live goods. It's to save money and smuggle invasive species. Sometimes your package will get caught.
2.) AM will charge you a sales tax of like a dollar for no reason to make a quick buck. Dispute the charge and they'll refund you your "tax" money.
3.) Don't buy their starmoss and some of their other mosses other than the really common ones like Xmas, taiwan, java. Their weeping moss isn't actual weeping moss. And some other mosses like starmoss aren't aquatic.

Additionally, the plants available through AM are easily obtainable from trusted plant enthusiasts like myself, fort and the folks on various forums.
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