Are aerators harmful to plants?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 9, 2013
Hi everyone! I have water sprite, java fern and red sword plants. I read somewhere that aerators deplete the CO2 levels in a tank or that they make it less available? Has anyone had this experience, any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Yes, if you are running pressurized CO2 aerators are no no's unless you use it for off gassing the CO2 when the lights go off. On non CO2 tanks they don't really affect CO2 level. OS.
I don't have a system, just use Flourish Excel, is that the same idea or no?
Ok, thanks for the help! So then do aerators have any negative effect on plants?
Thanks! It's great to have a community around to help with keeping my tank as healthy as possible!
Hello PJ...

Oxygen is a byproduct of plants. This means they do their best to get rid of it. If you run an airstone in the tank and mix more oxygen into the tank water, you create a less than optimum environment for growing plants. The fish however, will appreciate the added O2.

Oxygen and CO2 co-exist in the water column independently from each other. Atmospheric CO2 stays between 3 & 4 % naturally and always seeks equilibrium with the water. A way to see this is when using CO2 and watching a drop checker. When the plants start pearling O2 meaning the water is not capable of any additional O2 absorption. Yet the CO2 you are injecting still keeps the drop checker showing the ppm of CO2 you are set at. If O2 drove off CO2 your drop checker would go back to blue and additional CO2 dosing would be pointless. OS.
Turned the aerator off, just to see if it helps. Large weekly water changes should keep O2 levels acceptable. Air stone wasn't putting out much O2 anyway. Also reduce lights to 8 hrs to try reduce algae. Thanks!

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