are metal stands sound?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 21, 2011
Just got a cheap one off craiglist (yay!) but I can't help but doubt such a scrawny looking metal stand can bear the weight of a 20g tank! I know they work and people use them all the time, but I just don't get it. Is your metal stand trustworthy?

metal is stronger than wood... angle iron, which is what most metal stands are made of, is very strong. I have a 29g on a metal stand... never even crossed my mind that it wouldn't be strong enough. I guess working with metal a lot in school gave me confidence in it.
I use a metal stand and have no problems...I reinforced the frame by placing two extra supports in the middle. I also had my stand coated 3x (ideal is at least 2x) to protect it from water damage (i also have a saltwater tank :p).
Ok thanks for the input! I do feel more comfortable with it now. I guess because the stand looks delicate, with so few supports and pretty details on the sides, I just couldn't imagine it holding up a tank!

Thanks everyone :)
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