Are sticklebacks bad to put in my tank!?!?!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 28, 2004
Canada!! "eH"
I want a stickleback, where I can catch one in a pond. But im not sure if it will fight my other fish " Feeder guppies, Golden wonder panchax (Killifish)" And I dont know what sex my Killifish are, they are listed above. They both look the same with a dull grey body. Tint of yellow fins, and Dark orange edges. !?!?
I'd think they'd be fine. Dont really know much about how you'd care for those little things, but I dont see them causing a problem with the other fish. The only thing I'd worry about, is the possibility of the wild caught fish, introducing some unknown sort of pathogen, or parasite, to your tank bred fish
Actually you might suffer quite a few problems. Sticklebacks like the Fourspine (Apeltes quadracus), Brook Stickleback (Culaea inconstans), Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), Blackspotted Stickleback (Gasterosteus wheatlandi) and the Ninespine Stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) are very definitely cool-water fish and won't do very well under optimal conditions for guppies and Golden Wonder Killifish (Aplocheilus lineatus).

Most Sticklebacks are marine fishes that come up into freshwater creeks to spawn. The addition of some salt to their water is helpful. Temperatures need to stay between about 65-70 degrees F. They are generally pugnacious and really shouldn't be kept with other fish. They are also notoriously difficult to feed unless you have a good supply of live food.

Their breeding habits are VERY interesting and if you are able to net some males and females about this time of year they are almost certain to breed if you can keep the water temperature to their liking and keep them in good condition with live food. During the breeding season the males of most species are in top color and can be quite spectacular!!
Jeez Batty; is there anything you DON'T know? LOL Better question might be what haven't you raised ;)
LOL Alli.....I've only kept a few Sticklebacks in my nearly 40 years of on-and-off aquarium addiction. They're cool fish but have very specific water requirements. Um....let's see....I've NEVER raised goldfish yeah....I've never had an Arapaima....and.....uh....I've never kept a Great White Shark! :lol:
sticklebacks are definately cool water fish and need at the most a room temperature tank if you can't provide a chiller. Of course that's just going to cause premature death eventually anyways, unless you're very advanced just leave the natives where they are.
I have had a few sticklebacks with my minnows(bait/feeder fish) and they tend to survive longer than the minnows when kept in a room temp tank. They move around differently so they are easy to pick out of a crowd of minnows.
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