Are there any non agressive fish, that can be agressive?

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Ruffryder casper

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 26, 2012
Have a mollie that is nipping at my other fish .tank size is 55gal freshwater. I notice my Mollie nipping at a angelfish today and a few days ago it was doin that to another fish now both are diein
All fish are unique. It all depends on the personal fish, but mollys are generally nice.
Ruffryder casper said:
Oh ok thank you jus sad seein them get nipped at

Yea that is a bummer. There are several things you can do though. Put the mean fish in a breeder net or breeder box for a "time out". Another idea is to turn off the lights and totally re-arrange the tank
i have always had this problem with mollies and i hate them now because of it.
Lol ya I'm starting to get that now about mollies .i lik realyy if I wanted an aggressive tank I would have done so but it's not
yea i had a balloon molly that tortured all other fish. so now when i buy mollies its only female mollies that are about to give birth then i use the babies as feeders and then feed the molly to my crayfish.
i dont hate mollies because of one bad experience this is just the most recent.
Yea that is a bummer. There are several things you can do though. Put the mean fish in a breeder net or breeder box for a "time out". Another idea is to turn off the lights and totally re-arrange the tank

Agreed re-arrange the tank and break up any territory that exists, my peaceful Rams had this problem and a quick move of the decorations etc all good :)
my black molly looks like on bad mood today too, she was chasing 1 fish, then just a wee nip on another...
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