Are these good lights for a low light tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 25, 2005
Flagstaff, AZ
I am still trying to get my lighting situation under control. I recently bought a 10 gallon tank which included an incadescent hood. I went to the local Ace hardware and bought these two 10 watt fluorescent bulbs. The clerk told me they were flourescent and I even called GE to confirm. I am still worried they are general use bulbs. Could some kind souls check out the web page and let me know if I am just being paranoid?
This bulb is only 2700K and is going to be very yellow and dim. You really want to find one in the 5000K - 12000K range instead.
Not a higher wattage, no. Go to Walmart if you have one near you, they have the 10W florescent you need, and it's 6500k. When looking for plant bulbs, you want it to say between 6500k and 12000k. I tried Lowe's and Home Depot here, and all they carry is 3000k-3500k. Not good, lol.
I returned the soft white 10 watt flourescents to Ace Hardware. I tried Wal-mart and they had the Lights of America 15 watt compact fluorescents. I will go with these and see how they work. Also, can you put a timer on these lights or is that unsafe?
My local Walmart has them with the fish stuff. Not the corkscrew type but the round bend type with 2 rods.
Walmart also carries the 20W bulbs that are 6500k. They are located with the regular bulbs and are called something like Sunlight bulbs. These are also not spiral, but 4 U-shaped bulbs. Fits perfectly in the 10G hood.
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