Atabapo Pleco.

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Nol Starks

Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 8, 2012
Just bought one. The LFS said he had been there for 3 months, he's a good size too! I was told his colors will flush when they take him out of the tank, how long till his color return? Will they be the same as they were or adjust to the new enviorment? What's the best food for them? I've read that they don't like vegetables or algae? I can't find much info on the web so I'm thinking he rare. Any and all info is welcome and greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
Here's a pic, LFS said he would get 6 in and is already 2 1/2

Moved to FW and Brackish- General Discussion.

That's a beautiful pleco, but not one I know anything about. Hopefully you will get more responses here.
I love pleco's and this one is awesome! How much did he cost you? Now I gotta decide if I want one of these or or a clown pleco!
He was $36.00. I've read that they are from a river in Columbia, a the name of the river is atabapo hence the name adabapo. He is getting darker and darker each hour. I'll update a pic in the morning. I hope he is eating.
The LFS said he is on algae wafers so I'm providing him with those, cucumber, shrimp pelets, and bloodworms( which I feed my other fish with anyway). He is doing good and bigger than I though more like 3 1/2 in. I'm already in love and have named him binks. Can wait to see his color in the morning!!
BTW I'm thinking he's called a butterfly pleco but not sure.
I added some plants, some old algea tabs dusted up the water
Nol Starks said:
I added some plants, some old algea tabs dusted up the water

Once they have stopped eating the wafer the old wafers should be tossed & your tank eater will be a lot less cloudy. May I suggest a cleaning, even a third water change can help along with cleaning the tank water. Beautiful specimen!
I'm due for a water change today. Sundays my phone tends to never ring so its the perfect day to devote to my fish. I'm very interested in this ''unkown'' species :) . His colors are getting darker for sure and he is getting alot more active. But I'm not sure if he is eating....which has been keeping me up at night. Algae tabs look untouhed and bloodworms are to hard to track once they hit the bottom. His belly was full when I got him and still looks full now, but i havent seen much waste produced at all. It took my bristelnose a couple days to start eating too but I knew what he wanted...much easier. On Monday I'm calling the fish store I go it him from and asking again what they were feeding him, when I purchased him the sales man said he feed him tabs everyday and the pleco liked to eat at 10. The pleco would come out to receive the food. They man who sold him to me is a really smart guy who knew about every fish he had in the store and it was obvious right away he was a devoted fish lover... so I trust he knew what he was talking about. But I'd still like to double check and get more info. I'm hoping that as his color starts to come in more that he will be more easily identified.
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