Baby Angels and Water Current

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 6, 2011
Canton, Ohio
I have 2 dime sized angels in my 55 gallon. My concern is my filters being too strong. i have a marineland canister 220, a tetra ex75 and a penguin around the same size as the tetra filter. im concerned the current will be too strong and will bully them around. any suggestions as to what i should do? like just have the canister turned off until theyre strong enough?
I have 2 dime sized angels in my 55 gallon. My concern is my filters being too strong. i have a marineland canister 220, a tetra ex75 and a penguin around the same size as the tetra filter. im concerned the current will be too strong and will bully them around. any suggestions as to what i should do? like just have the canister turned off until theyre strong enough?
If it really matters (which I don't think it will), go ahead and get some ugly colored pantyhose. Put some over the outtakes of the filter and secure it there. It won't do too much, but it will lessen the flow.
I have 2 Angels in my 60g. I also have to Rena xP3s moving a lot of water. I used the spray bar and aimed it at the back wall to stop the current. Also, for any HOB filters. Just keep your water level high and you should not have any problems. IMO any king of hosing over the filter exhaust will not slow the current.
Well, i come home to find them safe and sound. I want them to build up the strength so i dont have to plug the filters up. So far they dont recognize me yet. I always have my water level high. Its a pet peeve of mine. But ive had many angels over the years, but these are the smallest ive ever gotten them
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