Baby Bristlenose Plecos

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 9, 2021
Hi all. Hope it’s ok for me to make a new thread with a different question.

So I have a new 160L tank (which I believe is about 42 US gal). It’s currently going through a fishless cycle.

I’ve planned out what I would like to put in my community tank, and checked it on AqAdvisor to make sure my stocking levels are ok and that shoaling fish have enough companions etc. As part of this mix, I was planning to get 1 BN pleco as I read they are perfectly happy living without others of their species. I have caves etc ready for him / her to claim.

The problem is that I went to my local store today and the BN plecos they have are tiny - probably just over an inch long. I think they’re absolutely adorable, but I wondered how fair it would be to put just one in a community tank? They look so young and tiny, that I’d worry he’d be lonely or something… especially in a 160L tank. What do you guys think? Would a baby pleco so young need a same species companion? Or would the other community fish be ok?

Thanks. :)
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