Baby Turtle..what kind???

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I grew up in a huge marsh here in Michigan, catching turtles, salamanders, frogs, snakes, etc. and I have never gotten any form of disease (knock on wood lol), but I have gotten a bad stomach bug from chicken haha yes, reptiles/amphibians can carry salmonella, as it is a natural occurring bacteria in their GI tract (similar to how humans have naturally occuring e-coli bacteria in their GI tract) and can be released in the feces when stressed. Any reptile or amphibian can carry it, but it is seldom to contract IMO and experience :D just a huge governmental scare in the 1970's which led to the banning of the sale of turtles under 4 inches in length
baby turtle

you can contact samenolla and also you could infect your little guys its best too leave wild things wild i would suggest putting it back near a protected pond or lake
And these guys do have a high mortality rate in the wild, but it's all about statistics ;) what's to say he's not that one in how ever many that survive to adult hood? Gotta be optimistic when releasing any animal :)
Thanks to all for your help in this matter! I think it will be best to release the little guy. I'll just stick with my sliders...
Yeah, I posted that before I saw your response. I agree with you that its an Eastern Box turtle. Thats not a species I have ever seen before, but the images look right.
Considering the diet of this turtle, releasing it would be the best thing. I know from doing a bit of wild life re-hab that some of these baby turtles are pretty hard to keep alive because of their diet requirements. In this case, I don't think you would be doing him any favors by keeping him. He is a cute little guy though.

EDIT: Nevermind. Response is too late.
Way to go man, so happy to hear that you're not gonna be selfish or ignorant! I've worked in pet stores for about 5 years, and 3 of those years was called our "reptile specialist" and I can't tell you how many people came in telling me "I found this turtle, I want to keep it" and after I advise them not to, they would just go about buying the wrong items or leave the store haha thanks for being so respectful, it means the world
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