Back to the forum after 3 years.. new tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 3, 2014
Central Florida
20170521_213145.jpgmy planted 75 gallon rainbow tank.. pressurized co2, quad t5 h.o, still fresh , plants.. ludwigia broad leaf and dark reds, rotala Indica, cork screw Val, riccia , dwarf saggitaria, Christmas miss, wisteria, spiralis, anubius- nana patiet, nangi, hastifolia, coffeefolia, barteri "broad leaf" micro sword and duck weed.
Fish- Madagascar rainbow, bosemani rainbow , herliquin rasbora, cherry barb, German blue ram, neon tetra , silver hatchet .. more rainbows to come .. just adding slowly
Once that dwarf sag gets going you will have a thick carpet. Let's hope it stays short. I've had both short and tall dwarf sag growing in the same tank (from different vendors).
The moss on DW is nice feature.
What kind of canister are you running in there?
@fresh2o I'm running a sunsun 303b .. thinking of getting a 304 though .. this is 370gph the 304 is 525.. more filter and circulation
I'm running a SunSun 302b (265 gph) in a 20 long. I removed the spraybar and just use the short elbow. I felt it produced greater flow than the spraybar. Circulation is decent and the fish are not being "pushed around".
The output is on the left rear corner and is directed to the right side of the tank (a few inches below the surface). The intake is about 2" to the right of the output. I'm using a CO2 atomizer and I've affixed it in the path of the output. The result is a mist of very fine bubbles. This is at a rate of 2-3 bps.
Yea I have my diffuser at the bottom under my spray bar .. about 2 bps roughly .. I'm still adjusting it to try and get my kh where I want it to be
What is that in the front? The ones you have "carpeted" across the bottom. I really like them!
That's dwarf saggitaria .. and I have micro swords in between 2 pieces of drift wood I believe I'm going to move to the left front corner
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