bad week part one

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 8, 2008
I justed typed a huge message and then it got deleted when I pushed back by mistake furthering my frustration. Long short of it is I have two tanks a goldfish and a cichlid the goldfish for 10 years at least the cichlid 4. This has been the worst week for human caused death for me ever. The first happend when a goldfish got sucked into my siphon hose which has never happened and got its stomach ripped open--instant death. I was doing a water change because two fish in the tank are suffering from fin rot and some other disease. The fin rot was on the moor so that is no longer an issue but the another a Ryunkin has a large bloated sac on one side of its body with white puss coming out. I dont think its dropsy b.c it is this one large lump and the scales are not pushed out. When cleaning I took the fish and examined it. It has a sac that has white puss coming out of it and it oozes out if slight pressure applied. the LFS recommended a product called clout in pellet form has anyone used this product and does anyone have a guess as to what is the problem--it is either a fungus or a parisite of some kind Temp 65 ph 7.6
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