Bala Sharks............

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 12, 2006
Denton, TX
this is my first 55gal tank.
Previous tanks were a 20 and a 10 gal.
Current residents are 3 clown loaches and one pleco.
I received the tank in December and am gradually adding fish.
I have two 200w heaters (one on each end) set at 79.
Two 30G power filters, one on each side.
plastic plants.

I would like to add one or two Balas, but am afraid that they will end up being too big for the tank. I am also trying to go semi-aggressive.
Bala's are not aggressive. They are quite passive actually. They will eventually get too big but it will take them a long time to grow that much. You could IMO, get them and when they get bigger, get a bigger tank. It will definately take some time for them to get that large.
A single bala will do fine, but remember, he will get big, then you will have to make a decision. As for aggressive, how about a single red tail or a single rainbow? I have both a rainbow and an albino rainbow in my 55G and they are doing well, and my bala is still growing. Just have lots of hiding places where they can develope their own territories.
Zagz said:
Bala's are not aggressive. They are quite passive actually. They will eventually get too big but it will take them a long time to grow that much. You could IMO, get them and when they get bigger, get a bigger tank. It will definately take some time for them to get that large.

I'll have to agree completely, my bala is very passive. Very enjoyable to watch. He's surpassed the 6" mark now, had him 11 months.
Just don't do both a red tail and a rainbow. My albino and regular rainbow seem to do good together, but a red tail in there will be very aggressive.
I have heard that the red tail are very aggressive. Are the rainbow sharks the same temperament of the balas?
No, they are aggressive as well, but not as aggressive as the red tail. Balas are very passive. If I move slowly, my bala will even take small pieces of freeze-dried plankton from my fingers. He's cool. As for my rainbows, the albino is probably as passive as my bala, but the rainbow shark is very timid. He holds his territory well. Doesn't really bother the other fish too much other than the Rams. But overall, he's semi aggressive, semi passive, depending on the day. I had a red tail a while back ago, and he chased anything that got near his den. That was back in my college days. He got to almost 6 inches, then I had to sell him and the tank when I went into the Navy.
sanweaver said:
I would like to add one or two Balas, but am afraid that they will end up being too big for the tank. I am also trying to go semi-aggressive.

I would probably recommend the rainbow shark if you are wanting a shark. Nice color and very fun to watch.
Bala's are schooling fish and best kept in groups. You could get a few small ones, but be prepared to let them go as soon as they get too large and make sure you have a lfs that will take them back unless you are goign to invest in a large tank.
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