Bamboo Shrimp Questions

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College Kid

Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 15, 2012
CA, United States
So a few months ago i saw these guys at a petco and i though they were so cool! I've been thinking about getting one for a while and have been checkin the internet and such and my water params seem fine for them, but what i dont know if i have enough space, and if my current stock is compatible.

its a 15 gallon and i got:
5 zebra danios
3 peppered cories
1 dwarf emerald gourami (the only one im concerned about)
2 ghost shrimp

bunch of plants (fake only), and what i think is a descent current

also, can i keep one alone? Ive read that their behavior doesnt change whether alone or in groups, and also that their bioload is negligible. Any insight or info would be great!

They are really cool looking inverts! I think you may have to supplement them because the tank is a little small IMHO. Chances are though, you'll be ok. They will probably spemd most of their time aroumd the filter output. I dont think any of your stock will mess with it. How big are you going to get it?:)
Wait, don't trust me on the stocking. I'm not too sure on that. I'm thinking the danios might be aggressive while its molting?
all the ones the petco near me has are about 3". as i understand they get to 5" max, right? and what could i supplement with? the sites ive read pretty much contradict each other... lol

and ok, ill research specifically the danio situation then
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