Banded Leporinus

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 13, 2005
Brooklyn NY
I remembered reading that Banded Leporimus is quite peaceful fish that might nip fins of other, slow moving fish sometimes. The only drawback was said to be its fast growth.
Last Saturday I found them on one of stores (not in my area). It was really beautiful looking fish, moving slowly and with grace in my tank. Next day I noticed that it spent all its time following other fish (bigger ones, like Gouramis and Rams) and tried to bite. It didn't show interest in any particular fish, but rather tried to pick on the closest one. After reading more about Banded Leporinus, I realized that all websites describe this fish as peaceful, but almost all hobbist that had kept it wrote that this fish is a killer :eek: Later that day I started to see other fish swimming in panic away from the BL!
I immediately decided to remove it. It took me about 40 minutes and removing whole tank decorations and plants to catch this smart guy.
It's too long drive for me to return this fish, but I didn't wanted to just discard it. I understand that it is my fault that I bought a fish without doing proper research on it. So, for now, I just keep it in my 10 gal tank that ment to be a QT until I decide what to do.
That's my sad story :cry:
Has anyone had any experience with this fish? How long can I keep it in 10 gal tank before it outgrows it (now the fish is about 2.5")?. What fish (only one or two) can I keep with banded leporinus?
Here's a link:

Since they can get up to a foot long, I would not keep it in the 10 gal for long.

You should not move him back into the 72 gal because once he gets large enough, he will most likely eat your danios, tetras, and rasboras.

You should not even have an irredescent shark in that tank as they can get up to 4 feet long. So while you find a way to get rid of your banded leporinus, you should also get rid of the irredescent shark.

You should not even have an irredescent shark in that tank as they can get up to 4 feet long. So while you find a way to get rid of your banded leporinus, you should also get rid of the irredescent shark.
I will, probably, grow them a bit bigger and trade to my LFS.
That's too bad. I bought one that was 7" and added it to my 80 gallon African cichlid tank and he is the most peaceful of that tank :D
Most banded leporinus are really quite least when kept with similar-sized tankmates (gouramis, rainbows, cichlids, etc)....a pity you got a beast.
This is one fish that's on my wish list. Perhaps I'll take it off your hands. :wink:
I had three Leporinus fasciatus and they made snacks of my neon tetras and ghost shrimp, but other than that they were fine.
My brother bought one for his 55 gal tank and it nippled or ate everything in the tank. The neon's were gone in a matter of days. He even picked on and ate the Africans. They put him in a 10 gal tank by himself and he was fine. Then transfered him back into the 55 gal and it went after all the fish again. Finally they took it back to the lfs. Meanest fish I had ever seen. They lost so man fish due to this guy eating them. When I took it back to the fish store for them I warned the guy that it was a killer, but he said they were peaceful. I can only imagine what it did to the fish in the tank at the fish store.
Everywhere I've read, they're peacful. Everyone I've known that had them would agree that they are not.
That's too bad. I bought one that was 7" and added it to my 80 gallon African cichlid tank and he is the most peaceful of that tank
Everywhere I've read, they're peacful. Everyone I've known that had them would agree that they are not.
That's probably the reason in there. I've seen them being kept with Cichlids, not Gouramis.

Since I already set up 10 gal tank for this fish and I really like it, I will keep it until it adds about 3 inches. If you want to make a note for yourself and contact me in about six months (or, whatever time it takes for it to grow), I will give it to you for free.
Trade Brian for one of him famous plecos!!
newhobbist said:
That's probably the reason in there. I've seen them being kept with Cichlids, not Gouramis.

Actually, I kept them with powder blue gouramis, neons (which they ate), plecos, and rainbows. Mine were aggressive, but only did harm (albeit fatal) to the neons.
I have a Black banded Leporinus and he is very peaceful. He is with Bala sharks and tiger barbs. For awhile, the tiger barbs were chasing him around and nipping so I put him in with my cichlids and they almost ate him (he's 4inches). But like everything else, personalities differ.
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