Barefoot/Minimalist running, anyone?

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severum mama said:
Not great. I've got some kind of injury in my foot (a FB friend that's experienced in this sort of thing thinks tendonitis) that's going to need a few weeks off. This is week one. LOL. But, it's not so bad. I've been riding my CL bike (an older Trek 800) instead of running. I'm having a great time with it so I can't really complain. :)

Sorry to hear!! Injuries are the worst... I just purchased a Trek about 3 or 4 weeks ago, I love it! Riding a bike is awesome and basically no impact so that's great.

@bearchumjs - spinning is hardcore!!
Good job quitting smoking!

I don't do barefoot running, almost everyone in my town got a new roof this year so there are nails freakin' everywhere. I do run though. I think I was in 3rd grade when I ran my first 5k. In track, I run the 800m and the mile. Last year I was too young to run the 2 mile, so I am hoping to switch out the 800 for the 2 mile this year.

Sorry to hear you are injured, that really sucks. I got horrific shin splints last track season. The coach told me to either sit out or run with them and they will get better. I chose to run with them and that just made them a ton worse. They lasted the whole season.
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