Beautiful tank at local business

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 25, 2010
Hey guys, I was walking to an interview today and I saw this beautiful tank. It was huge. You can't see it in the pictures, but it was probably 6 or 8 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 2 or 3 feet tall. Check it out! I love it when businesses have nice tanks.






Then again, I may be totally wrong since I know NOTHING about SW tanks.
I think it's beautiful as well. What is that spikey thing, a sea urchin? It looks really cool. I can't wait until I can do a SW! There are some awesome species for it.
That aquarium is gorgeous!

How common is it to keep sea urchins? Do many SW keepers on this site keep them? I don't have a SW set up (for now I just drool at ones in zoos and museums), but I've heard that they are very sensitive little guys.

Does anyone care to share their experiences (and/or photos!) with the envious masses!? :D
I have a spiny black sea urchin in my 40G, I don't know how long I'll keep him in there, very cool, and hasn't been any trouble yet, but his spikes are getting big already. I'm afraid if he gets too big it'll start knocking over corals and such. Time will tell.
Ive had a lot of sea urchins since they are pretty good algae eaters and i have never had troubles keeping them. I have two short spined urchins in my brothers larger tank which we've had both for about 2 or 3 years. I bought a small black long spined urchin for my 28 nano and it grew like crazy since there was so much algae in there. I moved him to the larger tank as well where he lost all his longer spines and now just has med length ones. I've had the black one for about 9 months and hes doing well even without his longer spines. My fourth one i bought was a long spined multicolored urchin...i dont know the exact name for it. I bought the smallest one again for my nano and it again grew like crazy. this one is still in my nano and doing very well ( it is the urchin in my avatar picture and there is more pictures in my nano album)
Wow, thats beautiful!!! Howd the interview go

The interview went well, it was actually for a staffing company, so kinda a fake interview. Regardless, I had a REAL interview today. I was looking for some entry level chemistry jobs and I found out I might be working at a brewery! I'd even have to be part of the taste testing panel! I feel like Peter Griffen! hahah :D
If anyone cares... I got the job! Apparently they loved me haha So I guess I get to make beer (better) now! On the sad side, one of my guppies died today. He's been acting weird for a while, and never showed any outward signs of being sick (besides being a little bit skinnier than the rest, and hangin out by himself). It makes me sad. On a related note, I think I'm going to buy an RODI unit now. I'm sick of debating if my tap water is good enough for the fish or not. I want to KNOW it's good for the fish. I'm sick of high pH water, I want my freaking pH at 7. Poor fishy...

EDIT: All of my levels are fine, although I don't check as much as I should, they're all exactly where they're supposed to be. (Well, pH was slightly high for guppies, but it's been stable there since I've had them) Nitrate was even <10. (After almost a week since my last water change)
Congrats on the new job! Sorry to hear about the guppy! My favorite guppy (Meegosh Jr) died a few weeks ago, now I'm left with one out of the ~30 or so I had at one point. Most were given away and the smaller ones went to my angelfish.
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