Beginner and would LOVE some advice!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 18, 2014
Hello all, I just bought my first tank two weeks ago and I'm loving it even though I still do not have any fish! My main question right now is what do y'all recommend? Do I need any particular variety of fish? Do I need schooling fish? Algae eaters? Snails? A wide variety or all the same? My tank is heated (although I can not figure out what temp it is set to), I have artificial plants, gravel, a bubbler, my filter is rated for up to 70 gallons, it's not a very wide tank...just a little more rectangular than square, and it's not the led or black lights...just whatever bulbs came with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you for your time!!!
You don't really need any fish especially not snails. You will find if you have 1 snail there will soon be hundreds in about a week.(very annoying).
It is really about what fish you like. Some of my favourite fish would be: pearl gouramis, angelfish, Electric blue rams, corydoras catfish, bristlenoses, marble hatchet fish, rummy nose tetras and bettas.
You could check out these fish they all look very good and are all good community fish. You just have to decide what ones you like and narrow it down to what you can have in your tank. Hope this helps.
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