Best Aquarium Temperature

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 21, 2012
Alabama, USA
I recently purchased an Aqueon 29g Deluxe Kit. I'm having a bit of an issue with the water temperature because with this 100W heater that came with kit (cheap I'm sure) there's no happy medium. Center setting keeps it about ~74-76F and one click to the right and it's 80F. I'm stuck with the heater for the a little while. My question is which temperature is better for my Tiger Barbs? I know the range is 72F-82F, but considering the inflexibility of my heater, which end is better? 74F just feels so cold, and I don't want to freeze them.
Personally I think I'd go with the 80F if your sure it won't go any higher and cook them. Heaters like that can also be very inconsistant in keeping the water at a set temp. Do you have any live plants?
Nope. I guess I can increase the temperature and watch it closely.
I was amazed when I opened the kit and the heater wasn't an Aqueon heater. Gotta love capitalism and the easy way to pocket a buck or two.
Hi I have 8 tiger barbs and I keep their tank at 80 degrees and they seem absolutely happy with the warm water they are still very active with each other and their tank mates...good luck
I've purchased a total of 10 small Tiger Barbs for my 29g (not 10 at once. some replacements) and have had 7 die. I returned the fish with a water sample. They used API liquid test kit and said my water parameters were excellent and refunded me the money. Water is dechlorinated and temperature is slowly rising. About 76/77F. I'm guessing it's a sick batch of Tigers? I got Tigers because of their hardiness and high activity level. Whatever it is causes them to be fine one minute and within 10-30 min be on their backs dead. Any ideas? I have 3 survivors at the moment.
I had 1 tiger barb kill another tiger barb, a silver tipped shark, and a Pleco all in a matter of a day.... Fine one day, trouble the next..... You may have one being more aggressive then the others
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