Best Filter for a Large Tank???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 23, 2007
I am building a 175 gallon wide tank for my 3 blood parrots and oscar. My first question is is this big enough? My second question is what is the best filter? I'm looking at the Fluval FX (I think thats the name) as its supposed to be good for up to 400 gallons. Is there a better option for such messy fish?
I would do multiple forms of filtration with the main system being a wet/dry or sump type system. That really is the best, most effective, low-maintenance form of filtration you can buy... Set it up correctly in the beginning, and you will be rewarded in the long run with great biological filtration. In addition, I would have some powerheads running to hit any dead spots so no area goes unfiltered. You are gonna have four big slobs of fish, there, so a canister filter is not the best choice as you will be cleaning that thing every week. Not to say that is not good for extra filtration with different media, and water polishing. But seriously consider a wet/dry or a sump working off an overflow.
Some of the largest canisters could handle the bioload of that tank, but I'd rather go for a sump for anything over 150 gallons. It may not be the case where you are, but in my case, it's more efficient, has the benefit of having a greater volume of water, and it's cheaper to boot.
If you choose the cannister method, Fluval FX5 has a great volume turnover and is an excellent filter. I've been using one on my 125 with another cannister for over a year.
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