Best Frozen Food??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 14, 2011
I am going to the store later today, and need to know what kind of frozen food to get. I have some guppies and guppy fry, and wanna get the best possible for them.
(Brine shrimp? Black worms? blood worms? my-sis shrimp? lol i have no idea!)
I also have a Betta and a platy. What's the best frozen food for them?
Thank you
what about guppy food? whats a good kind of frozen food for them?
i use blood worms

edit: but i dont keep guppies,so im not sure for them. i would think bloodworms would be good
My betta loves bloodworms, but isnt hot on brine shrimp. My platies and platy fry go bananas for frozen brine shrimp, but are less into bloodworms.

Honestly, your fish would appreciate variety too.
my guppies and platy love frozen bloodworms but the fry prefer brine shrimp
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