Best Gravel for Cory Cats?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 1, 2012
I was wondering what type/size of gravel cory cats do best with. (I know they like sand, but I want gravel.) I know that their barbels are sensitive so I'm wondering what's better in terms of gravel.

I was looking at some bigger gravel that seemed a lot smoother in quality, and some smaller gravel that was a bit more jagged. I read that cories should have smaller gravel if put with that kind of substrate. Then there was another variety that had a smoother quality to it and was smaller, but they only had little and expensive bags of it.

Just wanted some thoughts on what cories would prefer.
Sand, or any other fine substrate. I use eco-complete, my cory can just dig around as they wish.
If you insist on having gravel, then you probably shouldn't have corys. It's really all about the fish and what they need, not about us and what we want.

If you choose a species, then you really need to provide them with the proper environment.

Sand is what they really need. Even the larger smooth gravel stones can still be too abrasive for their barbels.
Disclaimer: My tank has only been set up for 6 months, but I use a medium size very-smooth natural-looking gravel (I think it's marketed as "river stones." I have 7 albino cories, and so far, I haven't noticed any wear on their barbels. All 7 eat well and are growing. Whether you use sand or gravel, I think you want to go with the smoothest substrate possible.

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