Best Ground Cover

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 13, 2005
Cedar City, UT
I just barely set up my 29 gallon tank. I am using one of the Current USA Power Compact 1X65W lights, and a Fluval 204 for filtration. I also have a 50/50 mix of flourite and small gravel. I really like the looks of tanks with a thick carpet of ground cover, and I was wondering if anyone had a good suggestion on what type to get based on the setup I have. And I was also wondering if there was an online retailer that anyone would recommend or not recommend. Thanks.
most ground cover needs lots of light and CO2.. so about 15-30 more watts and a CO2 system would get you in the ballpark..
I like dwarf sags (Sagittaria subulata) as ground cover for my 30 gallon planted tank. It grows in quite well after a while. For a smaller plant you could also look at dwarf chain swords (Echinodorus tennellus). Both should work fine with your existing lighthing but I would definitely recommend adding CO2 injection to get the best growth and avoid algae problems.
on a 29 gallon, you really won't need more than the DIY system. It isn't until you get to the 40 gallons and up that DIY CO2 becomes much more difficult to manage, though I've seen it done. Anyway, just thought you might like to know that since DIY is much cheaper than getting a full system. Good luck!
I am growing some of the dwarf chain swords (Echinodorus tennellus) on one part of my tank. These make that nice "lawn" effect. Under high light and CO'2 etc, they grow like crazy every day there are new runners with little plantlets. I have a picture in my gallery here...
The chain swords are the left half of the picture, on the right I have some kind of Saggitaria whose leaves look like the chain swords, but are much longer (12" so far). I am trying to blend the two together a bit to create an effect of the grass getting longer as it gets further back and closer to the driftwood.
You could easily grow HC with that setup. One of the easier groundcovering plants out. Dwarf sag would grow like mad in that tank. Stay away from riccia but you could also try glosso as its eay to grow also. Aquatic clover would be another easy one to grow. I've grown just about all of the afore mentioned (no riccia for me) with little CO2 and the same lighting on a 20 gallon high.
None of my LFS sell any ground cover plants...and I think if I buy one more thing online for a while my mother will go crazy...but I really love that lawn look. :cry:
Heres a good list of plants to look for

Taller 2-5 inches:
Lilaeopsis novae-Zelandae - Microswords
Echindorus Tennellus - Pygmy Chain Sword
Eleochairs Acicularis - Hairgrass also comes ina dwarf version
Marsilea Hirusta - Aquatic Clover

Shorter or trimmable:
Hemianthus Callitrichoides
Mini Moss
Taiwan or Xmas Moss
Java Moss
The great thing about mosses is you can mow them like a lawn. Just trim away. Riccia is a bit harder to maintain.

You should check out Aquabid. you can get alot of stuf there with a money order. I get shipments of stuff I sell there from Singapore all the time, i could work with you. I can get just about anything. Either way i HTH

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