**Best Lake Malawi Cichlid to Breed**

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 21, 2017
Hey guys I was wondering if you could help me out. I am looking to start breeding cichlids from Lake Malawi.

I am looking to breed these for profits and want to breed a cichlid that is in high demand as well as having a high dollar value.

What is the best Lake Malawi Cichlid to breed for profit and your guys opinions? Responses will be greatly appreciated

Firstly, sorry I'm a little late to seeing this, but I figured a response wouldn't hurt. Anyhow, you may find yourself in a bit of a "cycle" when it comes to breeding the Malawi cichlids. Approximately 5-10% of the varieties are considered "common" and are the colors and strains that one can usually find in LPS or local/online breeders. They are usually the most eye catching, and because of how common they are, they usually don't fetch the highest prices. The "rarest" varieties are usually the most dull-looking varieties and don't get as much attention and their more colorful counterparts. However, if you still would like to try, Malawi Peacocks and Malawi Haplochromis varieties walk the line of colorful and price. They won't fetch an extremely high price (in comparison to discus, for example) but the larger sizes (3-5in) could net you $30-50 depending on their strain.

Hope that was somewhat helpful, and good luck!
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