Best lighting for 29 gallon reef tank.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 15, 2011
I have a 29 gallon reef tank with a few corals in it. But they all died. My water quality was just about perfect except for a little nitrate and phosphate but nothing too high. I have a power compact light with 2 65w 10k and actinic bulbs and I don't think there cutting it. I'm thinking of upgrading to 175w metal halide with 2 65w actinic retrofit kit or 6 t5 bulb kit. Which would be better. They are both about the same price.
If it were me I'd pick the T5s, but you don't need to get such a powerful fixture. 4-bulbs would do you just fine for a great mix of corals.

6 bulbs would be for a higher-light tank, and halides are energy-suckers and much more expensive to replace.

Plus, T5s give you more customization to tweak colors to just how you'd like it. What T5 fixture were you looking at btw?
I'm not at home so I'm not 100% sure. But it's a 29 gallon high tank.
Looking at a general size chart for common tanks it's looking like a 29 Tall is 30" in length, so you'd be looking at a 30" fixture

Here's a good one at a much lower price than you've been looking at

30in 4Bulbs fixtures
That's a really nice fixture and for a great price! The only thing is I would be going from 130 watts to 96 watts if I got that and I don't think I have enough light now.
T5HOs are much more powerful and more efficient than power compacts, you'd be able to support plenty of corals with that light.
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