Best Lighting for Fish Color

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 8, 2006
Seattle, WA
What k do you suggest for the best fish color? I have 6 neon dwarf rainbows and a paradise but all my color is washed out by my 4x40w 6500k GE NO bulbs.

Should I go for a lower or higher k? I want my plants to do well but I also would really like to amplify the fish coloration.

If you can do a combo, do 2 6500k and 2 12000k. I did that with mine and my rams look great. Now they glow in the dark with the actinics on, lol.
I like to use actinic03 lamps to bring out colors in my fish. They're especially effective at bringing out blues and lighter colors. Mixed with standard plant lamps they do a great job.
If I go with the one actinic or a 12000k am I loosing the effectiveness of my 4x40w 6500k GE NO bulbs reducing my plant friendly output to 3x40 = 120w?
well if u still want plant growth and colour in your fish i would use a powerglo bulb. i am currently using it on my 10 gallon as the only lighting source and the plants are still growing very well and the colour is quite impressive to. it highlites blue and yellow mostly and makes everything look better. it has a purplish colour if u look right at the bulb(which is kind of a bad idea lol it is bright!!i learned that the hard way DUH)
I have 2 6500k 2 x 5000k and 1 4100k and I find the 4100k actually makes the rams glow.. This doesn't make sense tho except the reflective properties of the sparkles..


That was taken with them directly under the 4100k bulb.

For highlighting blues, I would say 10000k would be your best bet for consistancy.
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