Best Sand To Use?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 19, 2012
Am having difficulty on finding a good sand to use. I am partial to the CaribSea Fiji Pink but none of the local stores seem to have it in stock. Is it better to have the LFS special order or order online and if online what is the best place to order from for the best price. I am interested in keeping a jaw fish and/or a goby & shrimp combo. Would the Fiji pink suit them well or are there better more cost effective options that have a lighter sand color? The LFS seem to want to always steer me to the live whatever they have.
The Caribsea Fiji Pink is live sand. LFS tend to carry Caribsea and sell it as "Live sand". It's probably worth it to take a look at your LFS sand.

Cost-wise, you can't go wrong with pool filter sand or play sand. It's about 5-6 bucks for 50 lbs. I didn't like either of the options so I went with Caribsea oolite sand. My LFS was selling it for less than a dollar a pound so I went with it.

As for your goby & jaw fish, the caribsea fiji pink will suit them just fine.
Pool filter sand? Is it safe to use in a tank or are there certain things I need to avoid about the sand?
I've used pool filter sand in some of my tanks to save money and well, cause I like the color and texture too. lol I have not had any issues or problems with it. You just have to rinse the ever loving life outta the sand if you go with pool filter sand. I spent hours rinsing but it was worth it to me to save a few hundred bucks.

I recently got my sand from The Reef Rock Store and for 50cents a lb it is really nice sand. Pretty fine in comparison to the pool filter sand. I also used the pink fiji sand in my biocube so I know it looks awesome but it will cost you a good bit of cash as it's "live sand" or so they say. I just bought it for the color to be honest not for the liveness or anything as I think it;'s a bunch of hogwash. LOL
Pfs is safe, just make sure to wash it thoroughly. If you get live sand, don't wash it. Just add everything.
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