Best test kits for a person on a budget

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 2, 2014
What test kits should I get for my reef build? I used to live right next door to my LFS so I would take my saltwater there to be tested but now I live an hour away so I have to test on my own now. I really like to stay under $200 for all my test that I would need ty.

5 gallon planted(1m/2f guppy and 2 ADFs)
10 gallon planted divided Betta(1 male and 1 female)
API master test kit will cover all of the fish related stuff. The red sea reef foundation test kit is cheap and works good. Grab the red sea coral color pack too and you'll be set with pretty much everything.
Okay Ty all

5 gallon planted(1m/2f guppy and 2 ADFs)
10 gallon planted divided Betta(1 male and 1 female)
Silly where can I find the color pack never heard of it

5 gallon planted(1m/2f guppy and 2 ADFs)
10 gallon planted divided Betta(1 male and 1 female)
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