Best UV sterilizer?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 20, 2012
Need a UV sterilizer for my 30 gallon. Which one would be the best bang for my buck as they say
I did a ton of research on UV systems before buying, ended up with a Vecton V2. They are brittish and hard to find in the states, but there is a place in Florida that sells them. (shoot me a PM if interested, not sure how this board is with posting links to suppliers) Also heard a bunch of positives on the life aquatic systems.

Either way, you want to focus on dwell time vs watts, or how long the water stays in the uv chamber and how much uv is absorbed in the process.
Ya, don't know to much about UVs, been wanting to get one, to stop excess algae growth, just haven't wanted to put the money into it. I introduced a new fish a couple weeks ago and it brought in some disease, figure it's a good time to get one now to help the fish fight it.
Aqua ultraviolet make some of the best uv's around. The lamps also last longer then most (14 mo.) others every 10 to 12 months

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