Best way to add more sand

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 7, 2005
Austin, TX
I want to add more sand to my tank...I have half and half live sand and crushed coral...I just bought some more sand...and well, I don't wanna just pour it in. :?

Anyone know the best way to introduce more sand into an already established tank?

Any ideas appreciated!
Sometimes I just take some and put it in a little container and let bacteria colonize in it. And yes that sounds stupid lol.

Basicly the most effective way is just pour it in there and swish it around with the sand thats already in it. If you just place sand on the already existing stuff than some of the bacteria will die.
A funnel and a piece of PVC. Put the end of the PVC on the sandbed. Fill the PVC up with sand and then lift a little bit and place the sand where you want it. This will keep it from becoming a sand cloud.
I have done it with a ziplock bag as well. Pour some sand into the ziplock bag, close the bag, bring it down to the bottom of the tank, and slowly open and release. Its as easy as that!

Yes, like Brenden said. See pic below. Real eazy with a 2" to 3" reducer and a 2" pipe of appropriate length. Sand storm should be minimal. Just go slow. HTH



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