Betta community fish?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that male bettas are completely peaceful or even meek around all fish except other bettas.
male bettas are usually peaceful in community tanks - some cautions - paradise fish, gouramis and other anabatids (labrynth fish) don't always get along with bettas in community tanks. I would make sure you don't have too many other top dwellers - and you put some floating plants in the tank.
mine didn't like african dwarf frogs, and right now it seems like he doesn't like cories either... I think it just depends on their temperment... mine is just a grump.
mine didn't like african dwarf frogs, and right now it seems like he doesn't like cories either... I think it just depends on their temperment... mine is just a grump.

I agree. I had one like this, that picked on everything. He died, and I got another who is the most peacful thing in the world.

I would follow LMW's advice, and not get other gouramis (or fellow anabatids).
Other than that, most other fish you should be fine with.

Good luck.
They won't get along with other fish with flashy fins also. Like male guppies. Are you thinking about getting one for you ten gallon?
When it comes to Bettas in a community tank, you always need a contingency plan just in case things don't go as planned. (i.e. spare tank) Sometimes they are fine other times they are a terror. There is also the possibility that the fish you chose could injure or harass your Betta as well.

You don't want any fin nippy fish, fish with flashy or flowy fins as Fluff mentioned or other anabantoids like lmw80 had said.

Otos are usually a good start, some apple snails though they may mistake their antennae for worms in which case they couldn't be housed together, sometimes ghost shrimp, neon tetras, cories are usually ok. I have one with ADFs (African Dwarf Frogs) but keeping the frogs well fed has been a challenge with a Betta in the tank. I tried a Betta with Danios once and things were fine for several months, then the danios began nipping my Betta's fins and he had to get his own tank alone.

good luck.
I might, but right now, my friend has a community 30G and she wants a betta really bad (( i think my ten gallon is already too cramped. Down to 8 fish and a frog cause of the ich but my ammonia is zero v.v ))
She has black widow tetras like me, but her other fish are all swordtails, platys and i think she has three cories
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