Betta experts needed:)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 11, 2011
So of the 3 tanks that I acquired within one week, the last has begun it's fishless cycle. It's a 38g gallon, with an aquaclear 50 filter, and I have sand as the substrate. So now I get to plan my last set up and I'm hoping for a fresh idea. Mine so far are either 2 fancy goldfish and maybe white clouds (don't wanna crowd them). Dwarf cichlids, as suggested by the cichlid section (too small for other cichlids:( ), and this idea popped into my head, sorority of female bettas. So far I've learned it hit or miss, and most of the examples I found were only in 10/20 gallons. So seeing a's how mine is bigger I was wondering if it be more successful. So if anyone has input on sororities or tips, maybe even a stock suggestion? I would love some help, I clearly have time. I just want to know what decor I need to invest in :)
A+ to you for fishless cycling and investigating fish before you buy!

You heard right about sororities being hit and miss. They do best in groups of five and need plenty of hiding places to even set the stage for success.

Hope this helps and here's another pat on the back for your efforts :)
Definitely get a decent school of white clouds. The males do an amazingly cute dance with each other to attract females. I love them
I'm attempting plants in my 55 so that's the biggest pitfall of the sorority. All the plants and hiding spots would make it look the same as my 55. But saving them from those awful cups makes me feel good about myself. And if i do the goldfish I'm gonna go for a more oriental look. So many choices!
Sorority tanks would be kool. I have read a lot about them, I dont have the space to actually do one in my dorm but it sounds like a good idea. I would recommend getting 5 as well I have heard that with two or three they get nippy.
I was thinking 5 minimum, but because it's a 38 I don't know if I should get more and do like 7-9 and have just bettas. Or keep it at around 5 and get some other sturdy fish to relieve tension.
I wish I could get a sorority!!! I also feel sorry for them in those tiny cups, and females can be just as pretty as males. :D
I have 4 boys in divided tanks and I love them to pieces!
Good luck on whatever you decide to do, and keep us posted with pics!
I just have one male in his own 5 gallon, but he's easily my favorite just swims from one side the other all day like, "is this really all mine :) " But I'm really leaning tirades sorority, goldfish are pretty but I like the trickier aspect. Now I just need to know how I do it:) Google time!
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