Betta fins are weird

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 18, 2003
Well I thought my betta had fin rot, so I got some medication for that. But when I woke up today he was only using one of his side (excuse me for not knowing the term) fins and not the other. I checked later and he was using it but there was a lighter colored section of his scales where his fin was. Like he got a tan, except in reverse....and on a fish. He is also swiming pretty fast around the tank for no reason, and earlier he was also flaring up at everything for no reason. I put in the fin rot medication and am watching him, but does anyone have any ideas on what mght be wrong with him?
What meds are you using? I'm wondering if he's having a reaction to em...

And whats the water parameters? Could be that as well.
Well this started before I medicated, but im using Aquarium pharmaceuticals triple sulfa. Hes started to loose his coloration also.
Ugh. Either its not the right meds for the infection, or the infection is too serious for meds to help; or, the water parameters are not good. Did you check them yet? What are they?
Kinda sounds like an ammonia problem to me. High ammonia levels can actually burn your fish, leaving their scales discolored (and it also accounts for his behaviour).

If you don't have a test kit, I'd do a great big water change, just to be certain.
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