Betta Fins!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 1, 2009
I've a veil tail betta in a 10 gallon for about 4 months now. The tank has gravel at the bottom, silk plants, 2 java ferns, 1 piece of drift wood that I sanded down meticulously to get rid of any possible dangers, and a plastic hallow tree thing. I do weekly water changes and test the water 1-2 times a week (I get paranoid about the health of my animals). He's been doing great, very happy and healthy. Yesterday I notice a small hole in his tail fin. So I did an extra partial water change and added some Pimafix to avoid any problems with it. I looked over a couple minutes ago and where the hole was a long thin piece of his tail fin is partially ripped off and he keeps occasionally flipping out like its bothering him ( I nearly cried when I saw it, hes my little buddy). I don't know how it happened or what I should do. I know there is not a single thing in the tank that could have ripped his fins, I spent days finding the perfect, smoothed edged decor for his tank. I also tested the water again to make sure and everything is in check.

Nitrate: 10-12 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Chlorine: 0 ppm
pH: 6.8
Temp: 82 degrees

I'm really worried about him and I don't know what I should do. Any helpful feedback would be very appreciated.
The little piece fell off now.. and his tail his pretty much split in half
Pimafix and melafix are not good for bettas. Do a water change. Keep the water clean and do extra water changes as necessary. Clean water will help your betta more than anything.
10-12 ppm Nitrates seems kinda high for a tank 4 months old. And I agree that the water changes are definitely the best way to go, maybe a tablespoon of aquarium salt if you dont already use it.
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