Betta Fish tank mate, is this okay?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 6, 2020
Hi! I have a 2 male betta fish (obviously in separate tanks) one is a plakat and the other is a combtail. Both of them are in 8 gallon tanks. I was wondering if there are any tank mates that would be okay to be in a tank of this size that would be good with bettas, and if so how many if it’s a schooling fish? Thanks!!
According to research, I recommend Guppies(3), neon and ember teras(4-5), African dwarf frogs (2-3), ghost shrimp(4) Since it’s a 8 gallon tank each frog needs approximately 2 gallons and for the tetras their tiny so you may can get a greater amount not to much to crowd the tank, shrimp are also small but need their living space so 3-4 the most.
I wouldn't do any guppies, they look too much like bettas they will get attacked. The reccomend tank size for a dwarf frog is 5 gallons but you can try adding one with your betta.
Ghost shrimp should be safe because of their lack of colour.
I dont think I would reccomend any schooling fish for that size tank with a betta.
But here's the thing. 10 gallons is usually the minimum for bettas to have tankmates. You also have to consider that your bettas are happy without anything else in with them. They enjoy their space too.
Might try a couple apple or mystery snails if you're dead set on tank mates. Just watch for the bettas attacking their eye stalks-- sometimes it happens.
I found that my bettas always ignored bottom feeders, loach kuhli, otos, pelcos. Nothing with fancy fins or anything that could be mistaken for another betta by your bettas.
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