Betta only using one fin?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 21, 2011
Hi, sorry for having what seems like a new question every day. I feel like I am always making new threads here :/

Anyway today I found my Betta was only using one of his pectoral fins to swim while the other was clamped to his side. He occasionally uses the clamped one, but it's uncommon. When he does use the other fin, the two fins aren't in sync when swimming.

He just got moved to a 5g tank, so I'm wondering if he injured himself on something or in the process?

He's eating and acting fine. I was wondering if I should add some aquarium salt in case it's an injury? I don't think it's fin rot, but the hurt fin looks like it might be a little shorter than the healthy one.

My fish now is very lethargic, he doesn't move much and just sits on the bottom of the tank unless I come around provoking him. He comes up for air bubbles occasionally and once in a while floats up to my thermometer.

Any idea what this could be?
Just did using the API Freshwater Master Kit :)

Ammonia: .50ppm
NitrIte: 0ppm
pH: 8.0 - 8.1
NitrAte: Looks like 0, but might be a little above that.

The tank he was in prior to this one had an ammonia spike so the one he is in isn't cycled.
No biggie, just perform daily water changes with a daily goal of .25ppm or less on either ammonia and nitrite when that spikes too.
I've cycled with fish before and never had problems when done correctly, start the water changes everyday and monitor the levels and he'll be right as rain shortly.

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