Betta Posmortem

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 30, 2003
Leesburg, VA
My beloved betta of over a year died today and I just wanted to ask a couple of questions to see if there is anything I can do in the future to keep this from happening again. He was kept in a 1g jar and had weekly water changes. Thinking back over the last couple of weeks I now realize a couple of things

1) Seemed to be eating less
2) Stomach at the end was very distended
3) Seemed to be a lot less waste in the bowl especially last water change.

Today when I woke up his belly was totally distended and all of the color had drained from the very bottom of the belly and a spot near the tail. He was floating nose down at the bottom with the tail up toward the surface (imagine standing on his head).

Does anyone have an idea of cause of death and what I might be able to do to prevent it in the future?

PS I don't have water conditions information. Sorry.

Thanks in advance for any information.

I'm sorry about your loss.

Perhaps it was an intestinal blockage?
I'm afraid I can't be of much help, but there are lots of people on this site who can.

What were you feeding your fish (type of food, brand, frequency) - that might help the more experienced folks here help you.
I fed him once a day 10-15 really small pellets of Aqua Culture Betta Micro Pellet food. No more than he could eat in 2 minutes or so. Basically the same diet for the last year. Over the last week I fed once every other day because he wasn't eating as much.
I fed him once a day 10-15 really small pellets of Aqua Culture Betta Micro Pellet food. No more than he could eat in 2 minutes or so. Basically the same diet for the last year. Over the last week I fed once every other day because he wasn't eating as much.

According to my lfs 2 pellets every other day is enough. A betta will eat until they can't stand it. I was feedig mine 4 pellets a day and my lfs aLmost had a cow. So I cut it down to 2 pellets a day. I must say they seem more active and happier.
I had a betta die of bloat once, and apparently it is not terribly uncommon. It is a good idea to feed a blanched pea once a week to keep things "moving" along.
My red betta, Brutus, started getting the bloat and I was advised my lfs (we have some really good ones up at OSU) to feed him a blanched pea. I smuggled a pocket full of peas out of the commons and I mushed up a couple and fed them with an eye dropper. The next morning Brutus was back to almost normal size and looking much happier. I had to do some extra water changes and gravel vacuming to compensate for the extra waste.
I agree with TankGirl and Screaminbuckeye. IME frozen peas work a little better, as far as not getting too much "pea mush" in the water. You have to cook them well, and then cool them off. Remove the skin and mush up the inner part for the betta.
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