Betta Swelling!?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 4, 2004
Scotland, UK
Last night before I went to bed I had a look in the tank and my Siamese Fighter (male), had what appeared to be a large swelling under his chin, really bloated like he had swallowed a marble. I had missed a water change this week as I was in hospital and nitrates had risen quite high yet again. I did a small PWC last night and today the swelling seems to be going down a bit. Does anyone know what this is? 8O
maybe it was irritated by the nitrAtes because they can hurt fish(from what ive read)

but keep doing small PWC's and lets see how it goes

like keep taking out about hmmm lets say 1/2 gal every day until all that swelling is gone
It's good that the swelling is going down a bit! He could be constipated. It's a fairly common condition with bettas.

Feeding a pea will help. I use frozen peas, as canned peas tend to become mushy, and the bettas don't seem interested in them. Microwave some frozen peas on High for 4 minutes. Let them cool by pouring some of the boiling water off and pouring cold water in. After they're cooled enough, peel off the skin and discard it. Cut the pea into small pieces, about the size of their betta food. They should accept it if it resembles their own food and it isn't too big. I know it's hard to cut a small pea! I just use my fingernails or a small paring knife. To give you an idea of how many pieces to feed, I give my betta 4 pellets a day, so I give him 4 pieces of pea that are about pellet-sized.

I would give the pea to the betta, and then not feed the next day. A good feeding routine is to feed their normal food Monday-Friday, feed the peas on Saturday, and then don't feed them on Sunday. One day a week of fasting is good for their digestive system.

Keep watching him -- if he gets bigger or his scales stick out like a pinecone, post back.
Sounds like An t-iasg gave you excellent advice... You might get some more responses to this on the illnesses forum if you're still looking...
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