Betta tank advice please

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 4, 2012
This morning I have found a supplier I can get these from in about 3 days:

IQ3 Mini Acrylic Aquarium - Dubai Pet Store

IQ5 Mini Acrylic Aquarium - Dubai Pet Store

Can you please advise me whether either of these IQ models are actually ideal for a betta or just a gimmick tank that would not suit a betta due to the specs or the size/pump/filter/light etc

I have the same question for the Biorb tank models please (although I can not get them locally so they would have to be brought in from overseas suppliers which would take longer).

IF the IQ models are a good choice, would it be possible for you to please tell me whether the IQ3 water volume and filter etc is recommended or suitable for just one betta or is the IQ5 being a little larger the only way to go.

I would also be great if you are aware of the information regarding which accessories and filter products etc are required for this setup but do not come inside the box with the tank purchase so I can try to order these all at the same time.

Thank you very much
Hello Onbu,

I am very new to the hobby, but I am also in the process of putting together a tank for a single betta. My personal experience (talking to experienced aquarists from Sea World Orlando, Discovery Cove, some friends from overseas and people from this message board) pointed me AWAY from self enclosed, all inclusive choices. Even though they look good, you end up getting filtration that is below average for the price you pay. Besides that, both tanks you listed states "The compact return pump has great output, and uses a small duck-bill nozzle to create a strong, yet gentle flow throughout the aquarium". eavy flowing streams can upset a betta fish's comfort and may cause a change in behavior. Betta fish prefer soft flow from filters, although they are known for playing in the stream. It is important to make sure a filter does not produce too strong of a current in a betta fish tank.

Lastly, your options do not come with room for the heater inside the enclosed compartment. Bettas do well on tropical temperatures with minimum variation, so even if you are in a tropical zone, a heater should be considered.

I am really sorry if that is not what you wanted to hear, but several different sources pointed be in a different direction than the one I wanted to go, but clearly they knew what they were talking about and I didn't know anything. What I am typing here is just an extension of what I heard from people way more educated and experienced than me.

Solution: Find a nice tank, buy the filtration system apart, add a heater and use good plants (natural or fake) to hide these items. The overall effect will be similar, and you will have a better environment for your fish.

Keep us posted!
I think the first one might be a bit small at just over 2 gals. The second is 4 gals but it's hard to tell whether the filter would be too strong or even sufficient. I don't know where you're located but the price seems high to me for such a small setup. You can probably find a better, cheaper setup either by purchasing items separately or even a 5 gal kit usually comes with a heater and should be cheaper, depending the manufacturer. If you like the look of those tanks you might want to look into the Fluval Chi or Edge setups; I had my betta in a 5 gal Chi before I upgraded him to his 10 gal and he seemed to really like his Chi tank.

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