Betta ?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 27, 2003
i have a male betta in my community tank and all he does is swim back and forth across the back off the tank
do i have a problem?
no, haha, i puit a betta in my community tank, all he did was float there like they would normally do in their rice patty. But anyways, no problem man, just a boring betta
He probably sees his refelction. Or maybe he wants out :wink:
Felipe, if he just floats then he doesn't sound to healthy.

not really up for fish killing! theres no reflection that i can see i just wanted to know if he is happy or not
You could get him two females though, then he would be in betta heaven.

Also my puffers do the exact same thing, they just swim back and forth along the back of the tank.

If you were a fish, what would you do?
no i don't want to deal with the baby's just yet :)
he's been in this tank for about a week now, the only time he's not at the back is when he eats, he looks healthy enough just wounded if this is normal
With bettas there isn't really a 'normal', they all have thier own little personalities. You could try putting a mirror up against the glass to give him something to flare at. Or put different decorations in so he will have something else to look at.
lol i tried the mirror thing last night just after feeding he seemed to run(swim) away from it, he was flaring at my new tetra the other day when i fist put them in the tank which was great as he's my first (not the last) i've never seen them do it before, he seemed to change colour!! it was great but i can try the mirror again and i'll do a bit of swapping round tomorrow see if he likes that
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